A Culture of Health Community


Combine work, friends and nature

Room to breath, think and play

Productive days without burnout

Out of necessity, remote working environments are the new normal. Business owners are realizing they need more sprawling, shared office spaces and work-from-home options to remain open. Your safety-compliant workspace may no longer be practical in a metro area.
Now, reimagine your workforce in the most beautiful part of Maryland's mountains. Pristine rural life is just a click away from your market, client, or business partners. Lead a “culture flock” to Garrett County, bringing your style of business and talent pool to an oasis of outdoor splendor. Innovative workspace in a rural setting is on trend with current lifestyle choices that will give you goosebumps.
A less populated area is a safer alternative for your employees that can reduce downtime and increase productivity.
Are you rethinking your high-priced, cramped office space? Low-Cost Domestic or Rural Sourcing is a timely solution to revamp your business model while attracting and retaining young talent. Leverage the appeal of a vacation destination and get the space you need, and where anyone would want it to be.

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Frontier Advantage
Modern technology allows every business to connect on the world stage. Why not position your business where you and your employees would like to be? Our mountain getaway can now be part of everyday life, work, and play. Outdoor recreation is no longer reserved for a few weeks out of the year but can be accessible any day of the week. Your adventurous side is awakened by your surroundings.

HR Meets NR
Studies have shown that humans thrive when they experience open space and connect with the outdoors. With more affordable square footage, you can create work environments that give your staff room to breathe, think and concentrate. Open surroundings reduce stress, improve productivity, and support healthy living. Breaking the mold of the typical workspace creates harmony between human resources and natural resources.

Afford Better Living
Urban and suburban living is expensive, forcing employers to furnish higher, more competitive wages to attain top-shelf staff. Families can stretch their incomes further without the inflated prices found with crowded living conditions. Getting more for less is an equation that benefits everyone’s bottom line. Real estate, daycare, services, and recreation are affordable and available to everyone. An incentive package that includes the great outdoors is uniquely yours to offer.

Your Calling Card
Attract staff with a lifestyle most only dream about. The daily grind of getting to and from work evaporates with open roads and beautiful vistas. Locating your entire team to a peaceful, safe, clean environment is your leverage for long-term employees. The unspoiled terrain allows you to build your cutting edge business model that meets today's trends toward healthy eco-friendly living.

Outposts are In
Smaller populations allow opportunities for your staff to get more involved in where they live. Whether it's getting involved with your children's school, local civic group, or a nonprofit, you can always find a place to leave an impression. Without lengthy work commutes, extra hours are spent relaxing, with family friends and workmates, or on meaningful activities. An employee working 5 days a week with a 1-hour commute will rack up 520 hours of lost time. That’s roughly 21 days spent just getting to and from work. The average commute in Garrett County is 10-20 minutes.

Benefits Of The Fringe
Not everything is found within a rural location as you see in city and suburban life. That's what makes it special. Mountain Maryland is close enough to enjoy shopping and cultural events but far enough from the daily chaos of congested surroundings. Flipping the living dynamic makes the special day, every day.